When evaluating ventilation flow rates in wind-driven cross-ventilated building, traditional orifice model uses fixed discharge coefficients for inflow and outflow openings, which are constant regardless approaching wind direction. However, several studies have shown that the discharge coefficients vary with wind directions and opening positions. The proposed local dynamic similarity model can select discharge coefficients suitable for various wind direction conditions. The validity of the model has been evaluated in detail for various conditions of inflow openings. This paper summarizes previous studies for various conditions of inflow openings, and describes new studies for outflow openings and evaluates ventilation flow rates in two zones based on coupled simulation of local dynamic similarity model and simple network model. It also reports a simplified method for estimating dynamic pressure tangential to an opening, which is adopted as an additional parameter for the present model.
東京工芸大学工学部建築学科教授。1971年日本大学理工学部卒業。1974年横浜国立大学にて修士号を、1978年東京大学にて博士号を取得。1992年から1993年にかけて、米国環境保護庁Fluid Modeling部門にて、客員研究員としてW. Snyder研究部長らと市街地の汚染拡散研究を行う。最近の研究対象は、通風換気、デジタル画像技術の開発、都市域の温熱環境解析。現在、21世紀COEプログラム「都市・建築物へのウインド・イフェクト」のグループリーダーとして活動。
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