BRI Research Paper


A Progress Report on the Full-Scale Seismic Experiment of a Seven Story Reinforced Concrete Building -Part of the US-Japan Cooperative Program-.

S.Okamoto, S.Nakata, Y.Kitagawa, M.Yoshimura, T.Kaminosono; March, 1982. 92p.


This paper reports on the experimental investigation of a full scale seven-story reinforced concrete building structure prepared for the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program. The test was carried out at the Large Size Structure Laboratory of the Building Research Institute. The pseudo-dynamic testing technique was employed to simulate the earthquake behavior of the structure. The test structure had three spans in the loading direction and two in the other direction. A shearwall was arrayed in the center span of the middle plane that paralleled to the loading, and other spans were supported by columns.

The test comprised two phases. In the first phase, the structure was tested under various earthquake conditions in order to study its seismic characteristics. The damaged structure due to the loadings in the first

1. Head, Housing Construction Division, Production Department.
2. Head, Structure Division, Structural Engineering Department.
3. Head, Structural Dynamics Division, Structural Engineering Department.
4. Research Engineer, Structural Dynamics Division, Structural Engineering Department.
5. Research Engineer, Housing Construction Division, Production Department.

phase was repaired, and a variety of nonstructural elements were installed in this repaired structure. Subsequently, effectiveness of repair and interaction between the structural and nonstructural elements were examined in the second phase. This paper in the first progress report on this experi-ment with particular emphasis on the first phase, whereas a brief summary of the second phase is also included.

The test results have indicated a great capacity of the pseudo-dynamic testing technique to simulate the real earthquake bahavior of the structure;the correlation with numerical analysis was satisfactory. As the load level increased, the shearwall, the major lateral load resisting elements, exhibited a distinguished flexural failure in the first story. Beams connected to the shearwall also suffered damage in their junctions with the shearwall.At the end of the test, the structure sustained a rotation angle of as much as 1/64.

Shin Okamoto
Head, Housing Construction Division, Production Department.
Shinsuke Nakata
Head, Structure Division, Structural Engineering Department.
Yoshikaza Kitagawa
Head, Structural Dynamics Division, Structural Engineering Department.
Manabu Yoshimura
Research Engineer, Structural Dynamics Division, Structural Engineering Department.
Takashi Kaminosono
Research Engineer, Housing Construction Division, Production Department.

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